The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when unbroken. -Henry W. Longfellow

Saturday, October 25, 2014

In Which We Save America?

So before I truly begin this post, you simply must go read the open letter I am using as a sort of jumping off point; jumping off with the most absolute reverence imaginable. Letter To The Millenials--Jonathan Taplin

I actually first ran across responses to this letter from both a Gen X and a Millenial whilst piddling around on LinkedIn. I, of course, had to go back and read everything in chronological order, but, at the end, it all struck a deep, resonant chord within me. I have been planning to write about this for weeks, but have just found the time and soundness of mind to do so.

Taplin's letter is to, what I believe is, a college level communications class. I can't be sure what level precisely, but I imagine we aren't exactly dealing with incoming freshmen. At any rate, the topics he brings up and the manner in which he sets forth his class opening are quite revolutionary for me, personally, to hear from a Baby Boomer (although it could be that I am just not exposed to the most forward minded of Boomers). 

I'll start with this quote:

The bottom line is that the world has come a long way, but from my perspective, we’re also living in uniquely worrisome times; my generation had dreams of how to make a better life that have remained woefully unfulfilled (leaving many of us cynical and disillusioned), but at the same time your generation has been saddled with the wreckage of our attempts and are now facing what may seem to be insurmountable odds. I’m writing this letter in the hopes that it will help set the stage for a truly cross-generational dialogue over the next sixteen weeks, in which I help you understand the contexts and choices that have brought us where we are today, and in which you help me, and one another, figure out the best way to move forward from here.

When I first read this, I was shocked. The Baby Boomers I come into contact with are sadly not interested in accepting anything but staunchly one-sided legislature and assuming that we Millennials are why the world is in the shape it is in today. There seems to be a lack of acceptance of responsibility by anyone at all, in fact. 

Professor Taplin goes on to explain that his generation was dealt not only great national tragedy through the assassination of their political heroes, but also that they turned away from politics to escape that pain. During this time, some of the best entertainment and art was produced, and it was also the top selling entertainment of the time. Whereas now, the most artistic and thoughtful works of art (be it music, visual, or any other form) are no longer mainstream. What is main stream are the mass produced pop and hip-hop performers who fade in and out of our lives rarely producing anything as memorable as the music that came about from the Boomers' time (which, honestly, a considerable number of us Millenials are turning back to). 

Side note: Some of the music I am currently catching dribbling out of my radio is a matter for another day though, but it is in my notes to discuss at some length.

Taplin also goes into how his generation also is experiencing extreme disappointment in how politics failed to actually improve the average American's life. The figures in his letter indicate that the median salary for the male worker has actually decreased since 1969! He makes so many excellent points that I could spend all day worshiping this piece of writing (one being that art could be a vehicle for bringing about change), but it ultimately leads into some of the same questions that I find myself (and my peers) worrying ourselves deeply over. More importantly, perhaps he offers the potential to finding the solutions to some of them as well.

As to those questions: Why is it that most Americans are stuck in middle class (if they have managed to even pull that off) while a tiny percentage own the vast majority of the wealth? Why has wealth become the tool with which government legislation happens? Why has our government become so obsessed with policing the entire world rather than policing our own policies? Why has our country become so divided along party lines that we are incapable of actually passing legislation? How are we, the Millennials who will be left with all of this, supposed to cope with and overcome the ever increasing pile of disasters on America and the world's plate?

I cannot possibly argue that there are not problems with my generation. We are certainly, at times, far too technology obsessed. We tend to be very focused on ourselves, our goals, and our comfort. However, there are enough of us conscious of the fact that the country is currently failing as a whole in terms of correctly serving the American public to begin to start trying to find a solution. However, none of us are in the boy's club (literally, often times) and, thus, we are met with condescension far too often when we try to enter into these conversations.

Every time even the notion of discussing politics comes up between myself and my parents, grandparents, etc it is met with a complete shut out. A total and utter refusal to even discuss the idea that maybe we could find some common ground. I am a liberal. I have betrayed my good ol' southern Baptist roots, and I (don't tell anybody at the church or, heaven forbid, my Grandmother just might be kicked out of potlucks) might almost be a democrat! 

It is time for this to stop. There should be no argument coming from anyone that any political parties are currently working as they should and for whom they should.

The Republicans have, of late, been adopting the 4-year old tantrum strategy. While this is very effective for some 4 YEAR OLDS, it is not an effective way to run a country. You lost the election...twice. Put on your big girl panties, deal with it, and do your job. You wonder why the Republicans are losing the younger voters? Women voters? It's because they are too busy worrying about stamping their feet and who is in who's vagina to actually do their job. So no, I don't want you deciding who is president next. 

If you don't like President Obama's policies and you think he is being a dictator, then stop sitting around with your fingers up your noses saying "I won't do anything if Obama likes it" and start coming up with suggestions that actually might work. You can just throw out the complete opposite of what Obama says either; that's no more helpful than flipping your boogers at him (which you must also really stop doing). There has to be some compromise between everyone.

The Democrats aren't much better either---they are just the older sibling that no one particularly likes. The Tattle-tale running about D.C. making sure everyone knows that the Republicans aren't doing anything, but what exactly are they doing? They can't get anyone to cooperate either. Maybe they are trying, but ultimately, they are failing. So I don't particularly want them deciding who is president next either. 

I honestly don't like much of anything going on in Washington because, so far as I can tell, nothing of any actual use is getting done BY ANYONE! So stop with the standing outside the post office saying "Impeach Obama," because unless you've something to show me that actually constitutes impeachment, you are part of the problem. 

All of America currently wants to stand around and point fingers at who screwed up. We all did---no one did----does it even matter who did?

Clearly the old boy's club model is not cutting it anymore. We need a new game plan. Everyone to the co-ed locker room, get the chalk, let's draw some stuff, see what we've got, and figure this pile of disasters out for God's sake!

The bigger question here is this: how do we fix it? The answer is right in Professor Taplin's letter to his class. We stop this feudal atmosphere between conservatives and liberals, parents and children, and we sit down together to talk about why these decisions were made to begin with. 

To our elders: What were you hoping for your/our future to look like? What legislation did you think was going to make that change? What aspect of our country failed to foster that change or fulfill its obligations to make that change? You are supposed to be the wiser, more experienced ones in this situation. Where do you see opportunities to make changes that might lead us closer to that goal?

And, Millenials, we should be asking of ourselves, what do we think our future should look like? How do we take apart the situation our country is currently in and tease it out into something manageable? Though, I doubt very seriously it will be done without the help of our parents and grandparents, so go on and suck that up here and now. What is it that we want for America? How can we correct short-comings of current and previous policies that contained, within them, great ideas, and make them modern, functioning, prosperous policies? 

And to everyone: How do we stop fighting with each other about our beliefs and get down to pulling this country back together? We don't really have a leg to stand on until we can at least all sit in a room together without trying to blow each other up over differences about abortion, gay marriage, birth control, and so on and so forth. If America, or the world for that matter, falls to pieces or we blow ourselves up we will have no social issues to fuss, fight, and kill over. Put it aside, there are bigger things afoot.

I would love nothing more than sit and have a chat with Professor Taplin. If for no other reason, than to witness an actual Boomer who is willing to not only share with me his perspective, but also listen to my perspective. To have someone to discuss these things with, and brainstorm ideas of how to  start the wheels of change moving not as separate generations, but as a united front of citizens with different experiences and beliefs who are all fighting for the same thing: the American dream--in whatever we, together, decide that will be.

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