The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when unbroken. -Henry W. Longfellow

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Am...

As I set out on a blogging adventure to not only share my opinions, concerns, and musings about the world around me, but also how the constant struggle of bipolar disorder affects my view of that world, I thought I should let my readers know who I am exactly. No, not in a life story sort of way. More in a, here's where I'm coming from kind of way such that there is less explaining on a future, perhaps I'm not feeling so talkative, day sort of way. So here goes nothing....

I am a teacher by profession. A scientist by education. A napper and dog-lover by choice. Bipolar by chance (or genetics...depending on how you look at it). Interesting combination, no? Somehow, miraculously, I manage to make all of those insanely different things work together most days.

To get it out of the way now: I am a believer....of many things. I believe in religion, in many forms. I believe that the vast majority of the world's people operate under the same general principles, and organized religion simply gives them a name. Whether you call it Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Agnostic, or Purple Fuzzy Bunnyism---"a rose by any other name---" so to speak. Most people believe that if you are a good person, you are rewarded for that in some way. Personally, I identify as a Christian. By this, I mean that I choose to believe that the "something" bigger than me in this world is God and the reward for being a good person is called Heaven.That said, I do not condemn any religion that follows the basic and commonly accepted human morals (i.e don't kill, steal, rape, etc). In general, I try not to condemn anyone, rather I choose to believe that individuals who resort to violence, in the name of their god or any other reason, either suffer from some sort of psychosis or have been convinced (by someone or something) that they are doing so in defense of life, liberty, or freedom (i.e reactive violence). I am however human, and reserve the right to call someone a blubbering idiot if the mood strikes me. So there's that.

I am a supporter...of even more things. I support the pro-choice movement. I support women's rights (which is fortunate since, and partly because, I am a woman). I support LGBT rights, same sex marriage, universal health care, welfare, giving to those who are in need (even when you, yourself, are in need) and so on and so forth.Overall, all of these beliefs are based on my belief in Christianity. And yes, I just heard your jaw hit the floor; it sounded painful. Do go get that checked out....I'll wait....

Ok, so that was a lie. I'm not waiting, but this will still be here when you get back :)

I digress...The God that I believe in never forces us to do anything and does not make mistakes (nature does not make mistakes, everything occurs for a reason), we have free will. We have ultimate control over how to live our lives in pursuit of happiness, and it is neither my nor anyone's place to judge anyone's choices but my own. God also gives each of us trials that we must overcome. Those trials may be difficult relationships, physical illness, mental illness, homosexuality (hang in there with me on this, it's not what you think I mean), social anxiety, dyslexia, and the list goes on and on. I call these trials not because they are negative things, diseases, or the like. These trials are meant for us to overcome in order to make us stronger; to make us the person we are meant to be and that the universe needs us to be. For example, one of my personal trials is to overcome, or at least manage, my struggle with bipolar disorder. It is a constant battle, but it makes me a stronger person every day. Homosexuality is a constant battle as well, but not with yourself. It is a constant battle with society and people who just refuse to accept you as you were created. I say homosexuality is a trial, not because anything is wrong with that person, but because anyone who is homosexual (or in the LGBT community in any form) is in constant struggle for acceptance and equality in the community and become stronger individuals by overcoming this opposition and hate.

So now that my general opinions on the bigger issues at hand are flat out on the table, welcome to my shattered brilliance. I have no exact plan on what I will post from week to week. It may be something I see in the news that I have a particular opinion about or am concerned about; it may be an interesting science article I read. Who knows?...But, I hope you will join me on this journey to explore how my illness affects my world view, have fun, and above all discuss whatever topic comes up or strikes our fancy!! I do have something interesting in mind for next week though...dun dun dun.......*fade to black*

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