The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when unbroken. -Henry W. Longfellow

Sunday, January 11, 2015

To Burn In The Fires That Your Own Hell Puts Forth...

It is beyond atrocious to kill anyone in the name of religion (or for anything else for that matter).

To take the name of God (or whomever you choose to name the guiding being of your life) and contort it into the twisted, disgusting idea that your life is somehow superior to anyone else in the world is to bathe yourself in the blood of the damned. And for that, no God allows those with blood on their hands into his kingdom.

You who are perverting the idea of living a good life into the idea that someone is undeserving of the same freedoms you expect shall perish and pay dearly for your sins.

I try, very hard, not to harbor ill will and willingly admit to sin myself by hoping that you die slowly on the end of a long blade cursing the name of the demon you call your god. I fully believe, though do not assume to speak for anyone else (unlike yourselves), that all people, of all religions would stand with me and condemn you for the snakes and bitter poison that you are on this earth. Many people in this world are bad by some definition, indeed, but to kill those who mock you is an insatiable blood sin that only insures the world's understanding your miserable, self-concerned cult.

May you be victim to the worst of the demons that live among us and below.